Managing LGMD

Disease Management


Treatments currently available for LGMD are directed at symptom management for individual patient needs



Treating and monitoring of LGMD symptoms with the aim of improving quality of life and prolonging survival
A team of healthcare providers to address and monitor the various ways LGMD affects the body

The goal of an LGMD symptom management plan is to ease the effects the disease has on various parts of the body. Typically, a team of healthcare providers is involved, often directed by a neurologist or neuromuscular specialist who is the patient’s primary doctor. A management plan may include:

  • Physical and occupational therapy to help improve movement and perform activities of daily living
  • Mobility devices such as walkers, canes, and wheelchairs
  • Orthopedic surgery for some complications
  • Speech and swallow therapies if facial muscles are affected
  • Cardiac care for heart complications
  • Ventilation machines or other respiratory aids for breathing difficulties
  • Psychosocial support for the disease’s emotional challenges

Since many LGMD subtypes affect the heart and breathing muscles, it’s particularly critical that patients continue to be monitored for these life-threatening complications.

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What Is LGMD?

A group of genetic diseases that cause progressive muscle weakness…

LGMD Subtypes

At least 34 subtypes of LGMD exist, each caused by a different gene mutation…